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Monday, 22 September 2014

Common Relationship Problems And How To Resolve Them

I want to share some thought on this topic, because I consider it quite paramount. We constantly involve ourselves in relationships (friendship, marriage, family etc) directly or otherwise. Some of the points you will see here, I saw somewhere, edited and modified them to suit the topic while some are purely mine, so please feel free to add yours, after all, we live to learn!
With that in mind, I will start by saying, If someone ever says “I’ve never had an argument with my partner” or “we never fight”, they are lying! Every relationship has its fair share of issues, whether you want to call them conflicts, confusions or problems. What is more important is to get yourself out of these conflicting areas and ensure that they are kept at the bay.

Here are some of the common problems that malign most relationships on the planet.

1. Lack of crisis management
Some may think that crisis management is too vague a term to be used and thrown around. Well, that is not the case. Crisis management involves a deliberate effort towards assembling your thoughts and understanding the issues that cause fights and arguments in the first place. Ask yourself, “What is causing the problem?” Then think, “What can I do to solve it?” And lastly, “What can I do to prevent it?” It isn’t rocket science but then very few

Monday, 15 September 2014

Investment Banking? The Journey Begins!



Are You Ready for an Exciting and Rewarding Investment Banker Career?
The lucrative, prestigious nature of investment banking job makes this a highly desirable and competitive field. If you have an aptitude for finance, a reasonable tolerance for risk, outstanding communication skills, and sharp analytical and mathematical skills, you’ve got the basics required to explore opportunities in the field. Add in a healthy dose of self-confidence, motivation and competition, and you’ll be primed for the exciting world of an investment banker! 
Just as banks are at the center of the global economy, investment bankers are key to structuring the financial deals that facilitate business operations and keep the economy moving forward. These highly-skilled, well-paid professionals advise companies on issuing stock and configuring stock offerings.

What is Investment Bank (IB)?
A financial intermediary that performs a variety of investment services, including underwriting, acting as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations and also acting as a broker for institutional clients. Finance dictionary.
Core investment banking activities:
Investment banking has changed over the years, beginning as a partnership form focused on underwriting security issuance, i.e. initial public offerings (IPOs) and secondary offerings, brokerage, and mergers and acquisitions, and evolving into a "full-service" range including securities research, proprietary trading, and investment management. In the modern 21st century, the SEC filings of the major independent investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley reflect three product segments: (1) investment banking (fees for M&A advisory services and securities underwriting); (2) asset management (fees for sponsored investment funds), and (3) trading and principal investments (broker-dealer activities including proprietary trading ("dealer" transactions) and brokerage trading ("broker" transactions)
In the United States, commercial banking and investment banking were separated by the Glass–Steagall Act, which was repealed in 1999. The repeal led to more "universal banks" offering an even gre