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Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Learn The Unique Ways To Beat Your Business Competitors!

A man to carry on a successful business…must have imagination. He must see things in a vision, a dream of the whole thing. Charles Schwab. In conducting successful businesses, you are always competing against someone or something. Whatever you are selling (product or service) there is always an alternative available in the market. There is always a competition, and it’s a matter of survival of the fittest. Any business/ company that won’t devise innovative means of staying ahead of its competitors, is preparing its own funeral. To win, you have to find out what your prospective customers are considering and positioning your business in such a way that these customers will conclude that what you are offering is the best and superior to anything else available in the market. Remember, customers do not buy features; they buy benefits. They do not buy products or service; they buy solutions to their problems. They are not concerned with what goes into your product; they are concerned about what comes out for them. This article is equipped with all you need to know to stay relevant in the market and remain a master to your competitors! Successful businesses largely involves the process of prospecting, building rapport, identifying needs, present

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Simple Steps To Open, Verify, And Manage Your Paypal Account In Nigeria

There are several hitches one encounters as a Nigerian, especially if you are a lover of online shopping, if you are the type that doesn’t like carrying cash around just because you wanted to pick say, a particular item from countries like USA, UAE, if you are the type that love making transactions at the comfort of your bedroom, etc., while in Nigeria, because of non-existent reliable means of such transactions. But all that have been resolved, because PayPal has authorized PayPal Nigeria. It means you can now shop and make payments at your convenience even in countries like USA, UAE, in great sites like eBay, amazon, etc., from Nigeria and have your item delivered to you at the comfort of your home. Amazing, isn’t it? All you need do is create a PayPal account and you are good to go. With PayPal recent partnership with first bank, things even got a lot easier! I will show you the simple steps to open and verify your PayPal account here in Nigeria. Getting started; To open your Nigeria PayPal account for the first time, first, kindly cross-check that you are on Nigeria IP because

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Want To Be A PRO Business Analyst? TRY THIS...

Have you ever wondered what separates a mediocre business analyst from a good one? What makes some business analysts the best at what they do? Why some business analyst are more appreciated by stakeholders, coveted by recruiters and hiring managers, and have a wide variety of career options open to them than their other counter parts? It’s because they know their onion and have mastered what makes their business thick. This then brings to mind the one billion dollar question, “what it that which makes them so good and outstanding amidst their competitors?” Well, you need not be a rocket scientist to know and master them too. There are millions of good reasons to aspire to be a professional business analyst. As a professional business analyst you are not only ever relevant to the society, you also will never have to worry about money again or paranoid over job security. You will never lose sleep over unemployment, why? Because no matter-how many changes take place in the economy, there will always be a need for good/ professional business analysts. Regardless of how many companies and industries become obsolete or go out business, professional business analyst will always be in high demand. As professional business analyst, you can always accomplish and even surpass any financial goal you set for yourself. Here are the skills that sets them apart from the rest of


It's no gain-saying that we are living in a digital age and that I.T is one of the most lucrative businesses or career across the globe, one can venture into and not be disappointed. In I.T, there is no more limit to what you can achieve. Gone are the days we have to make attending offline classroom lectures to get the needed information or knowledge before we get things done. How interesting it is to know that we can actually achieve so much, start our own businesses, etc just by a simple click, thanks to the INTERNET. I for one benefited from this and i think it will even be better if others benefits from this knowledge as well. Here are the basics of compu

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Financial Business Analyst? Learn The Ropes Here!

The end target of every business is profit, otherwise it’s not a business. Therefore, most corporate businesses rely on sound financial data/ business analysis to make the best business decisions. A business analysis can make or mar a business. Poor business analysis has the potential of crumbling a corporate business no matter how magnificent such corporation world may be. The same way right/ sound business analysis by professional business analysts has the potential of sky